Smart tips to for paying off your home loan sooner

Wondering how to pay off your home loan sooner? We look at some things you could do.


Australian home loan interest rates remain at historic lows, and the opportunities for paying off a mortgage early are better than ever. Used in conjunction with low rates, here are some extra steps that can speed up loan repayments and reduce your loan balance.

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What to be aware of when buying off the plan

The rise of new apartment developments in our cities provides greater opportunities for potential home owners to buy off the plan. There are benefits to this, but also a number of things to be mindful of. We look at some of the things to consider when buying off the plan.

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Things that could trip you up when applying for a home loan

Buying your dream home is exciting, so the last thing you want is for your home loan application to be held up. While many factors are considered in assessing an application, showing stability and consistency is key for lenders to determine whether you will be able to repay the loan. But sometimes what’s happening in your life can trip you up. Here are some things to be aware of.:

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There are many perks to working for yourself, but when it comes to applying for a home loan, it seems being your own boss sends up a red flag to banks and other lenders. Why? A salaried employee has a regular, steady income and is less likely to experience the cash flow volatility of a small business owner, contractor, entrepreneur, tradesperson or freelancer.

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What you CAN borrow or What you SHOULD borrow?

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Total Permanent Disability

Education costs